Is anyone interested in writing an ebook? I think they are a great learning tool if you are lucky and find a good one.
While going through the long process of having my book, So, You Want to Write! edited, reviewed, critiqued and edited again (which has taken a lot longer than I anticipated), I turned the book's manuscript into an ebook and made it available for sale on my website. I have been delighted to discover that this is a great way to generate revenue while you are waiting for your book to be published and on your way to becoming rich and famous.
For me, one of the great things about having my book in an ebook format, is that I have been able to continue to update the ebook and add new material. I really like having this "live" document and knowing that it keeps growing and getting richer in content. I plan to continue to update the ebook version of my book, even after the book gets published and is selling on, which should be very soon.
Why? Value. I want to make sure that everyone who purchases my ebook feels they received an extraordinary value. Not a good value, not an excellent value. An Extraordinary Value.
I downloaded 4 ebooks in the last month, 2 for free and 2 that cost $29 each. All four were written by professionals in the book writing, internet marketing, blogging and publishing industry. One of the free ebooks is very good, the other freebee is excellent - both had great content and provided excellent value. I learned things and got several ideas that I could apply to my business. I was very excited and more importantly, I would buy more of their material.
The two ebooks I purchased for $29 (+tax) were HORRIBLE!!! I was very disappointed. Both authors had transcribed a coaching call and a teleseminar, slapped a great cover on it, wrote phenominal sales letters and began selling. When I saw that my $29 had simply purchased a transcribed dialog between 2 and 3 individuals on a telehone call, I felt as if I had been tricked. Not only was the information promised hard to find or non-existent, the transcript had not been edited and the format was difficult to follow. Sadly, I will never buy anything from them again.
Selling an ebook can be a very good thing business-wise and $$$-wise, but as you can see from my experience, it better be good or you will lose credibility. I offered my ebook for free until I was convinced, by feedback, testimonials and several completed books, that it offered extraordinary value.
So, do you want to write an ebook? The teacher in me decided it would be fun to write an ebook on How to Write an eBook. I will be offering it as a complimentary mini ecourse on the website. Look for it on April 15!
To Your Writing Success!
P.S. I will send you my ebook in exchange for a review.
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