Tuesday, August 08, 2006

#1 Best Seller on Amazon.com

If you knew your book would be a #1 Best Seller on Amazon.com, would you be more driven to complete your manuscript and have it published?

What if you knew exactly how you could make your book a #1 Best Seller on Amazon.com? Would that inspire, motivate, compel you to complete your manuscript and have it published?

Completing your book is a huge win, and as I mentioned in my previous entry, seeing your published book for the first time is truly a magical moment. Being listed on Amazon.com? Yes, that’s cool, but honestly, being listed at #1,689,745 – no one, except determined friends and family members ARE GOING TO FIND YOUR BOOK!!!

So what’s the next step?

Not just being listed on Amazon.com but being a #1 Best Selling Author on Amazon.com! How? By participating in Randy Gilbert’s and Peggy McColl’s Amazon Bestseller Mentoring Program. I signed up for their upcoming program and am starting my journey to #1 Best Seller on Amazon on Monday, August 21.

I would like to invite you to join me and let’s see our books make #1 on Amazon.com!

Here’s how to get information for their Tele-class on Thursday, August 10 at 7:00 pm EST:


To Your Writing Success!

Ann McIndoo

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