Tuesday, August 08, 2006

#1 Best Seller on Amazon.com

If you knew your book would be a #1 Best Seller on Amazon.com, would you be more driven to complete your manuscript and have it published?

What if you knew exactly how you could make your book a #1 Best Seller on Amazon.com? Would that inspire, motivate, compel you to complete your manuscript and have it published?

Completing your book is a huge win, and as I mentioned in my previous entry, seeing your published book for the first time is truly a magical moment. Being listed on Amazon.com? Yes, that’s cool, but honestly, being listed at #1,689,745 – no one, except determined friends and family members ARE GOING TO FIND YOUR BOOK!!!

So what’s the next step?

Not just being listed on Amazon.com but being a #1 Best Selling Author on Amazon.com! How? By participating in Randy Gilbert’s and Peggy McColl’s Amazon Bestseller Mentoring Program. I signed up for their upcoming program and am starting my journey to #1 Best Seller on Amazon on Monday, August 21.

I would like to invite you to join me and let’s see our books make #1 on Amazon.com!

Here’s how to get information for their Tele-class on Thursday, August 10 at 7:00 pm EST:


To Your Writing Success!

Ann McIndoo

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

They’re Heeeeeere!!!!

It was Christmas in July for me! Two weeks ago I received my first box of books! My book, So, You Want to Write! has officially been published and is on it’s way to book stores and being listed on Amazon.com! Wow! What an amazing feeling.
I can honestly say, there is NOTHING like seeing your first box of books arrive, ripping the box open and seeing your books for the first time. There they are, like little soldiers, all shiny and in perfect order, just waiting for you to pick one up. Holding my book in my hands ignited something truly amazing and wonderful inside me that has inspired and motivated me to triple my efforts to help others get their manuscripts completed and books published.

They arrived just in time for me to give each Author a book at my July Author’s Boot Camp in Orlando. What a thrill to be asked to autograph the books. I put stacks of my books everywhere, just like in the bookstores. Wow! What great fun!

So, what are you waiting for! C’mon, dust off that manuscript and complete your book. It is so simple to get a book published and printed. My publisher, Advantage Media Group (
http://www.amglive.com/) did a beautiful job of making the publishing process so easy.

To Your Writing Success!

Ann McIndoo