Monday, February 19, 2007

Benefits of Writing a Book

Why write a book? As a speaker, consultant, trainer, or any professional that markets their services, having a published book can mean having a huge edge over your competition. Not only does it give you a product to sell or use as a marketing tool, it makes you the expert, it shows your commitment to your business and that you took an extraordinary journey and wrote a book.

Imagine speaking to a prospect about your services and then presenting them with a signed copy of your book. This is a powerful tool to associate you and your services to them. Whether or not they read your book, they will see it and think of you, your services and level of professionalism and commitment.

Here are some of the benefits I have enjoyed as a result of writing my book:

· Credibility - I am the creator of the "Writer's Power Tools", a writing technology.
· Created a Platform - A topic to speak about and teach.
· Creating Ancillary Products - Ebook, Audio CD, Events, Workbook, Radio Show.
· Invitations to Speak
· Higher Speaking Fees
· Higher Consulting Fees

Let me know how I can help you write yours!

To your writing success!
