Sunday, May 20, 2007

New Blog!

Please visit my new blog at

To your writing success!


Friday, March 09, 2007

New! Author's Success Tele-Class Series

I am delighted to announce a new tele-class series for Authors. The schedule for the first six classes is listed below. My outcome is to provide you with interesting ideas, winning strategies and resources to help you achieve your book writing, publishing, marketing goals.

I am going to kick off the series with the 3 topics I am asked to speak about most often: How to write, What to write about and Creating the structure for your book.

Speaker: Ann McIndoo
Topic: Preparing to Write: What to do before you pick up your pen. Create your own powerful Writer’s Power Tools™. Learn how to write “on demand”.
3/14 @ 11:00 am and again at 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

Speaker: Ann McIndoo
Topic: Creating Your Own Author’s Technology: Making your book idea and material unique. How to create your own Author’s Technology and turn your technology into a book.
3/22 @ 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

Speaker: Ann McIndoo
Topic: Creating the Structure for Your Book: How to organize your content and start writing your book.
3/29 @ 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

Speaker: Ron McDaniel - Author, Buzzoodle, Buzz Marketing
Topic: Creating Buzz for Your Book: How to create buzz in just 10 minutes a day!
4/3 @ 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

Speaker: Glenn Plaskin - Author, Turning Points
Topic: How to Write a Book Proposal: Step 1 for Writing a Best Seller!
4/11 @ 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

Speaker: Kathleen McEntee - Business Development Specialist
Topic: How to develop your idea so it is scalable and salable.
4/18 @ 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

Speaker: Chien Wang - Author, It's Who Knows You!
Topic: Networking Your Way to Success! How to use your book to promote your business
4/25 @ 6:00 pm PST
Tele-Class Event Schedule

There are so many amazing people and resources available to help us learn and grow our business. I plan to continue bringing someone new each week to share new technologies and proven strategies to provide you with content-rich learning sessions. Please let me know if you have any questions, ideas or comments. I would be happy to hear from you!

To your writing success!

Ann McIndoo
Your Writing Coach

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Promoting Your Book

One way to get great exposure and promote your book is to speak to groups. Yes, it’s very cool to be paid a big speaking fee, but at the beginning you may want to consider speaking for free to local groups like the Rotary, Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce and local networking groups.

Are you afraid to address a group or feel you are not polished enough to speak yet? The National Speakers Association ( and Toastmasters ( are great organizations to hone your speaking skills and learn how to build your speaking business.

I joined the Chamber of Commerce in La Quinta where I live. It’s a small community near Palm Springs, California. Using the premise of “It’s Who Knows You”, I have attended monthly Chamber events, Mayor’s Luncheons, Breakfast Meetings and Civic Events. Wow! Not only has it been fun but I have met lots of people who know people who want to write a book!

I experienced the same results with The Relationship Building Network,, a professional networking group in Orange County, California. Even though it’s a 2-hour drive away, I like the professionals in the group and the networking opportunities the organization provides. I signed up 5 new authors for my Author’s Boot Camp as a result of 2 members (who did not have an interest in writing a book) referring their friends and colleagues to me.

I have learned that having a book is a great way to show your prospective clients that you are an expert in your industry and committed to your craft. What a great way to build rapport and create trust.

Let me know how I can help you write yours!

To your writing success!


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Using Your Book as a Tool to Promote Your Business

Did you know that there are many simple, fun and inexpensive ways to promote and generate $$$ with your book? I always keep a dozen copies of So, You Want to Write! in my car, two copies in my carry-on when I travel and a copy in my handbag. Why? When I meet someone at a networking event, business meeting, trade show, on an airplane or social event, that magic question always comes up – “What do you do for a living?” This is the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself and your book.

While you are talking about your businessm, give them a copy of your book! Write their name and a few words on the title page, sign it and enjoy the amazed look and grateful words that follow. This is a wonderful way to build rapport and begin a relationship. I learned from Chien Wang, author of It’s Who Knows You, ( and Professional Networker Extraordinaire that networking is about building lasting relationships. This is also the secret to building your business.

I love giving my book away. For me, it creates an opportunity to help someone who wants to write a book, or even more magical, I give that person an opportunity to help someone they know. It’s true, It’s Who Knows You!

Here’s who you can give copies of your book to:

  • People you meet – use as a tool to build rapport and begin a relationship
  • People who can promote you – your book will remind them of you
  • People who know people who want your services – give them books to give away
  • Prospective clients – Your credibility, level professionalism and commitment to your business gives you a huge edge over your competition.

I also give free copies of my book to:

  • Any and all children I meet who express an interest in writing
  • Parents of children who are interested in writing
  • Libraries I visit
  • Senior Centers and Assisted Living Homes for Seniors
  • Whoever is next to me on an airplane, shuttle or bus
  • Trade show exhibitors

Depending on the cost and number of copies you have on hand, it may not be cost effective for you to give your book away. No worries, there are lots of ways to sell your book and promote your business – for free. I’ll talk about that in my next blog.

In the meantime, think about how you can use your book to promote your business and let me know how I can help you write yours!

To your writing success!


Monday, February 19, 2007

Benefits of Writing a Book

Why write a book? As a speaker, consultant, trainer, or any professional that markets their services, having a published book can mean having a huge edge over your competition. Not only does it give you a product to sell or use as a marketing tool, it makes you the expert, it shows your commitment to your business and that you took an extraordinary journey and wrote a book.

Imagine speaking to a prospect about your services and then presenting them with a signed copy of your book. This is a powerful tool to associate you and your services to them. Whether or not they read your book, they will see it and think of you, your services and level of professionalism and commitment.

Here are some of the benefits I have enjoyed as a result of writing my book:

· Credibility - I am the creator of the "Writer's Power Tools", a writing technology.
· Created a Platform - A topic to speak about and teach.
· Creating Ancillary Products - Ebook, Audio CD, Events, Workbook, Radio Show.
· Invitations to Speak
· Higher Speaking Fees
· Higher Consulting Fees

Let me know how I can help you write yours!

To your writing success!
